Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 1: Fruit for Thought

After splurging a bit at Pizza Ranch on Sunday...

We started our Monday morning with fresh fruit Peach and Pineapple smoothies!

A toast to fruit
Since we were only supposed to have fruit today, the smoothies are just frozen peaches and pineapples in the blender with a little splash o' agua (water if you don't speak espagnol) to get them blended, garnished with some blueberries and a chunk of pineapple. Because we're fancy. 

Then Caitlin and Ande both went their separate ways to work, but not before making themselves a nice little lunch of...

(From bottom to top) Grapes, Apples, Blueberries, Raspberries, and Pineapple. 4 whole cups. Of just fruit. For lunch. 

This would brings us to the hardest part of Day 1 for both of us. While everyone else (we call you all "The Toxics") gorged themselves on Pizza Hut, Arby's, Quizno's, and Taco John's, we had to eat lots (AND LOTS) of fruit. It was easily the most painful part of the day. In actuality, we wouldn't mind eating just fruit, but it was more about how we wanted a hot meal, rather than a pile of cold, wet fruit. 

Here's a photo of some Toxics we ran into today. See how horrible they are? With their Mountain Dews and their video games...

Don't you know that you're toxic?

As a part of this detox, we feel that it is important to talk about our bowel movements. (If you don't want to read this, please skip to the next paragraph) Still here? Okay, cool. So let's jump right in. Caitlin peed an astronomical amounts of time today. Was it her increased water intake? Was it the watery fruit she consumed all day? Probably both. But it happened. And it was annoying. Additionally, we feel that it's interesting to note that Ande did not poop AT ALL today. If you haven't lived with Ande before this might not be a big deal to you, but let us just make something clear. Sure as the sun rises and sets each day, Ande ALWAYS poops when he gets home from work. Always. Always always always. And today he did not. This was somewhat troubling to him. "WILL I EVER POOP AGAIN?!" Ande wondered. And he still doesn't have his answer...

Just as the darkness was setting in, a light shone upon us in the form of Caitlin googling our detox again and realizing that we could have Wonder Soup on ALL of the days, not just the day we have to have it. *WOOOO HOOOOOO* You have no idea how big this was to us. (Side note: This detox originally comes from Wonder Soup Detox) SO instead of going home and trying to warm up watermelon, we got to make some truly delicious Wonder Soup.

The beauty of the Wonder Soup is that you can add as many different veggies as you want to our own liking, and it is still only ~40 calories a serving. 

And now, for your viewing pleasure, we present to you: Wonder Soup (in A minor)


1/2 cabbage
4 large yellow onions
2 green bell peppers
4 tomatoes
2 cans of corn
4 packets of Lipton Onion Soup mix

We put these together in a large pot about half full of water and added some pepper and paprika and a bit of garlic. 

We're not sure if it was because we had cold food all day, but THIS SOUP WAS AMAZING. Honestly cannot stress enough how delicious, hearty, and flavorful this soup was to us. We even fed some of it to the Toxics and they enjoyed it a great deal. One Toxic even commented "I don't even have to eat that shit and I still would." Pretty high praise from a festering bottom-dweller like her.

For dessert, we were feeling a little crazy so we decided to bake some apples! Topped with some cinnamon and nutmeg, they were pretty delish and a nice little treat to end Day 1.

Tune in tomorrow for Day 2: Food Porn

Get in the conversation on Twitter! #detoxaholics and follow us @caitertot_ @andewayyoulike


  1. That's awesome! Let us know if you have any questions about Day 1!

  2. It's actually surprisingly awesome and easy to make. You should make some, Sam :)
