Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 2: Food Porn

Happy Tuesday, all! Here is the next installment of Caitlin and Ande's epic adventure in detoxing! Thank you for joining us.

Today, Day 2, was Vegetable Day! We were super excited for this day, and it was definitely better than the fruit day. 

We started out the day with a large baked potato to get some complex carbohydrates up in this bitch. 

We were allowed to put a little pad of butter and some pepper on top, so of course we did.
Ande's potato was slightly undercooked, but he ate it in the car anyway like the trooper he is (complete with a plate and fork from the kitchen...is that worse than texting and driving? we aren't sure). 

The potato was good. There's not much more to say about it. We're pretty sure that the potato was where we got our energy from, so that was much appreciated. Thank you, Potato!

For lunch, we made salads and veggie snacks. The salads had romaine hearts, spinach, carrots, english cucumbers, tomatoes, and yellow peppers. Yum!

You may be wondering why those UV shooters are there. Well you see, we needed very small containers of dressing for Ande to take to work with him, and we thought UV shooters would be a nice way to frisk up the workplace. They are filled with extra virgin olive oil  and balsamic vinegar. Which we found out later that Ande does not enjoy. 

You may also be wondering who drank these shooters for us, as we are not able to drink alcohol while on this detox. So we enlisted one of the Toxics who most commonly lurks around our apartment. 

Katy with two Lemonade UVs. She looks optimistic.

Look at her go. What a champion.

Washing it down with some Mtn. Dew. She looks less excited now.

She's really doing us a service. Obama should give her a medal.

She's wasted.
This was Caitlin's salad she enjoyed while Skyping with her friend/toxic, Amanda, who was rocking her Brady Bunch theme song impression. 

Hi Amanda!
Caitlin ate her salad around 2 pm, and wasn't really that hungry for it. It tasted good, but when it was gone she felt VERY full and regretted eating all of it. 

Later on in the evening, it was time for dinner. We were both in the mood for something hotter and sassier than a salad, so we decided to make a stir fry!

Ooooh, artsy.

Very full skillet.

Stir Fry:
2 red peppers
1 yellow pepper
1 orange pepper
2 zucchini
1 yellow onion

We put everything into a 12" skillet with about 2 tbsp of vegetable oil, and added some pepper, a pinch of salt, and 2 tbsp of low sodium soy sauce. It was cooked on medium/medium-high heat for about 45 minutes. Seems like a long time, but there were a LOT of vegetables in there. And we like it cooked until it's good and browned. Overall, a quite delicious and filling meal. We both only had a bowl and were extremely full after that for the rest of the night.

For the remainder of this post, we would like to give a little back to our followers with this Q and A and answer some of your most burning questions. Let's begin.

Q: How much water did you drink today?
A: Ande had about 7 waterbottles, and Caitlin had 6. But Ande's waterbottle is 8 oz smaller (sucka!) That totals 112 oz for Ande and 144 oz for Caitlin, give or take a bit.

Q: What foods do you miss the most?
A: Caitlin most misses chicken, bread, bananas, and cheese. She would kill a small child for a sandwich. Ande, on the other hand, misses cheese pizza, poptarts, ranch dressing, and cake. His list is considerably more eccentric than Caitlin's, and she is convinced that he just saw those foods today and wanted them.

Q: How do you feel overall?
A: Caitlin didn't feel very hungry at all today, and when she ate it would usually result in a stomach ache. Ande had a big problem focusing today, and was pretty dissatisfied with his salad at lunch. The veggies just weren't doing it for him. 

Q: What differences have you noticed?
A: We both are definitely getting fuller MUCH faster. Normally we could eat multiple bowls of stir fry, but today we could both only handle 1 each. 

Q: What was the best thing about today? Worst?
A: For Ande the best was the yellow peppers in his snack bag. We don't usually get yellow peppers so they pleasantly surprised him. For Caitlin, the best was probably her salad. It was very filling and tasted good. 
The worst for Ande would definitely have to be his salad dressing. We now know that he does not like olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Caitlin's worst moment today would probably have to be the stir fry. It was awesome tasting but left her feeling way too full and she should have stopped eating before she did.

Q: Bowel movements. Go.
A: Ande is back to pooping like his regular self!! He had a nice mini poop this morning (probably left over from the one he missed yesterday), and a healthy poop when he got home from work. Caitlin's poop was also very regular. We both were pissed off because it smelled really bad (cabbage soup the night before = nastiness).

In addition, we would like to note that we haven't drank any sugary drinks, tea, coffee, or any caffeine since we began the detox. Strictly water, and it's been a nice change for both of us. Coffee was hard to break away from, but apparently it is possible even for hyped up coffee monsters like ourselves.

Tune in tomorrow for Day 3: The Best of Both Worlds

Get in the conversation on Twitter! #detoxaholics and follow us @caitertot_ @andewayyoulike


  1. Since you get both fruits and veggies tomorrow. I would recommend a fruit salad! I do strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries on a bed a lettuce with a strawberry wine dressing (non-alcoholic of course)! You can also get the fruit from a mixed bag in the freezer section if buying all 3 fresh and individually is in excess.

    1. Crap I almost forgot - I also add almond shavings, but I'm not sure if you get nuts tomorrow.. ?

  2. Oh yum! We'll have to do this on Day 6... I think we can have fruit and veggies that day.
