Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 4: Going Bananas for Bananas. And Also Milk.

Happy March, ladies and gentledudes. Today is Day 4, bananas and milk. 

We both had to work at 9 this morning, so we made banana smoothies for breakfast!

These smoothies are really simple. They're just 2 bananas and about a cup of milk, so we got both bananas and milk at the same time! Two birds stoned at once.

Today we had to eat 8 bananas and drink 3 cups of milk, plus we could eat Wonder Soup. The smoothies took care of 6 bananas each, and then we brought two bananas to work to eat as snacks today. It was a lot of bananas, so good thing we looooooooove bananas (getting sick of typing the word 'bananas'). Bananas. Wonder Soup for lunch and dinner along with a banana, and it was a pretty average day, food-wise. This detox is lucky that we are obsessed with bananas, or we would've been pretty pissed off today, and SOMEONE woulda heard about it (detox inventor perhaps?)

Caitlin here. Let's take a break for a moment to talk about Ande's state of mind. He's gone slightly... insane. Off the deep end. Bat shit crazy. Now, if you know Ande, you know he's a bit eccentric to begin with. I've known him for almost 10 years, and we've been best friends for almost that time, so I've really seen every side of his sanity (and insanity) and I have to say that he has been weirder today than I can ever remember him being. He has no control over his motor functions, keeps saying weird things, and keeps doing even weirder things. Today, he came home from work, barely said anything (super weird), and started cleaning the stovetop?

Look how hard he's getting into it. Didn't say anything. Just went to town on that burner. I think the bananas might be affecting him.

Later, I was talking about my fingernails (I do that a lot) and I said "I ripped my acrylics off today," and he replied with "I want some booze! To drink!" and then continued on doing what he was doing.

Let me give you a little insight into how these blogs usually work. Typically, Ande and myself sit down at the table and write them together, talking about our days and how we felt at different points. It's all very cute and feeling-y. Well you know what Ande is doing while I'm writing this blog?

He's organizing a cabinet that we literally haven't touched since we moved in (11 months ago). 

Can someone go crazy from bananas? Does anyone know?

Anywho, did you know that you can make banana ice cream with only one ingredient?! FROZEN BANANAS!!

Caitlin's beautiful '70s blender is courtesy of her mom. Thanks, mom!

You might not believe us, but it's true. When it's done, it has this awesome, creamy texture. Frozen bananas in the blender! A delicious and healthy treat! Dee dee dee deeeeee! The More You Know! When we aren't on this detox, we usually add a little chocolate syrup or peanut butter (or nuts!) for something extra crazy. 

So tomorrow we need to eat 6 tomatoes, and some beef and chicken. It will be our first taste of meat since Sunday, and we're a little more than excited. 

Tune in tomorrow for Day 5: Beef! It's What's For Lunch! (And Maybe Dinner!)

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