Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 5: Beef! It's What's For Lunch! (Any Maybe Dinner)

Quote from Ande:
"When I get done with this detox I'm never eating another vegetable again."
Think maybe someone's missing the point!

Good Friday to you all, and welcome to Day 5. Today we had to start reintroducing protein (beef and chicken) and eat 6 tomatoes, and of course the Wonder Soup.

We started out the day with a nice plate of tomatoes with a little salt and pepper. Mmmmm....

We really weren't overly excited about this for breakfast, but we needed a way to get in all 6 tomatoes. 

For lunch, however, we had something pretty exciting. This is a meal that Caitlin used to eat with her Girl Scout troop back in the day...


A Hobo Dinner consists of ground beef, onion, and carrots in some tin foil with salt and pepper, cooked over a fire (or in our case an oven). 

Mmm don't those look good? Put that all shiz in some tin foil for an hour on 400 degrees and you've got yourself a tasty meal fit for a hobo. We both took half of this to work, and Ande demolished it but Caitlin did not. For some reason it REALLY did not agree with her; probably because she hasn't had meat in 5 days. But Ande hasn't either (unless he's cheating at work and eating huge hamburgers). So we really don't know why it made Caitlin feel sick, but that is just something to be cautious of for those of you out there who have decided to do this detox now too (and shockingly, there are some of you).

Dinner was quite the adventure. We knew we definitely wanted chicken (far prefer it to beef), but we didn't know what kind of dish to make with basically just tomatoes, chicken, and a few veggies. But THEN (lightning strikes, lights flicker, and all is quiet), Caitlin had the brilliant idea to make a salsa and have lettuce wraps with chicken. These are the fruits of our labors (pun intended, you know, since tomatoes are a fruit):



How Pinteresting...

Lettuce spoon!!!
8 tomatoes
2 red peppers
1 onion
lime juice
salt & pepper

Salsa wasn't too fancy, but it was really delicious. A jalapeno would have been nice maybe, but overall a quite yummy homemade salsa. The way the lettuce just cupped the chicken and salsa was delicate yet hearty, and it was a very filling dish.

Speaking of "filling," we should share with you something we've discovered throughout this detox. Basically, Ande is a human garbage disposal. After about half the meal, Caitlin is wayyyy too full to even begin to think about eating any more. Like an uncomfortable amount of fullness... which is what is supposed to happen. We eat less food on this detox than we usually would, but the food we do eat is supposed to make you full very fast. Ande, on the other hand, has reported that he is never satisfied. He eats everything he is allowed too and then craves more. "With every bite I take I am constantly thinking 'bread, cookies, poptarts, sweet and sour chicken, pizza, hot dogs.'" So watch out for that if you decide to do this detox. Everyone is different, and even though we have eaten the exact same things for the last 5 days, we both have totally different appetites and cravings.

A lot of people have asked us if we are sick of bananas after the 8 we had to consume yesterday. To be perfectly honest, we wish we had more and we wish we were allowed to eat them. We could seriously go for some banana ice cream right now (going to be a permanent staple in our diets long after this is over). Ahhhh the limitations of this detox. 

Tune in tomorrow for Day 6: Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? To Get In Our Crock Pot

Get in the conversation on Twitter! #detoxaholics and follow us @caitertot_ @andewayyoulike


  1. I love this blog! I read it all the time !! I think its great what you two are doing, your an inspiration!!
